As every project has different levels of complexity, we need to consider all the different factors.
Send an email with your request a few weeks prior to your deadline. You must provide the following: the number of images, camera angles (sketches or screenshots), the general mood… Then, we are in a position to determine the quote and time-frame that will allow you to make a booking with us.
Gather all information in a single package (3D model, Location- Google Maps-, views description, markups regarding materiality, lighting, landscape, staging…). As for 3D model, we work with all kind of files: Sketchup, Rhinoceros, Revit, 3D Max,… but please keep your model in well organised layers.
The process will be ready to begin once we have reviewed all your compiled information. That’s all what you must provide us.
The type of files we require to do the infographics quotes should preferably be Autocad or Revit files, however any other file where we can see plans and elevations of the project to be modelled and rendered could be pdf. files also.
So, considering all these factors, we can adjust prices of the renderings and achieve a result with a good price-quality ratio.